Good evening,
Recently I watched your sessions about how to create IAC in QGIS and in the session 3 part 2, you was mentioned about chart layout template, but sadly I can not find Q/A record where you promise to comment about how to create it. So maybe there is some possibility, that you can provide to me layout template? :) Thank you so much.
The templates for the aeronautical charting have now been uploaded aeronautical charting repository the direct link is for the qgz templates
Initially the templates contain:
Index charts A4 and A3 both landscape and portrait mode
Instrument Approach Chart (IAC) A4
Now for the Instrument Approach Charts there are still bits you can not do completely within QGIS in one project like the MSA and the profile which you would draw in a separate project then save as SVG and import in the relevant boxes. You would do the same for the distance tables and the minima tables. All of these would be a big X showing missing files
I am exploring on how to generate automatically these items from within the project using some sort of scripting with python that would streamline the workflow but for now this is the state of things. Ideally these type of aeronautical data can be obtained from well formed AIXM data with all the relevant attributes.
Before using the templates remember:
Set the projection that works for your area of interest (AOI) and likely you will need to set the map extent to the canvas extent and tweak a few things
As usual if you got any issues , feature requests or feedback about the templates itself please provide them in the issue tracker