To My mind (and how we use these terms) is:
Validation: Technical check for eAIP (XML structure to ensure that the document will publish correctly).AIXM (technical vaildation against XSD (Schema) and or Business Rules).
Verification: Checking the credentials and validity of processes and actors in the system at different process/procedure stages. For example ensuring the identity of an originator during Raw Data ingestion. Verification of distances or heights on charts or obstacles. (Essentially cross-checking and due diligence).
Both important for sure.
Also as defined in new EC Law:
‘validation’ means, in relation to data, the process of ensuring that data meets the requirements for the specified application or intended use;
‘verification’ means, in relation to data, the evaluation of the output of an aeronautical data process to ensure correctness and consistency with respect to the inputs and applicable data standards, rules and conventions used in that process;